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Zde je taky zajímavá stránka i s českou studijní biblí: http://www.freewebs.com/paprsekx/bible.htm

Kromě základních nástrojů existují i další specializované nástroje k lepšímu opracování a objevování kvalit objevů. Jako např: Biblická konkordance, Biblický slovník, další překlady Bible, Historické pozadí Nového zákona, původní překlady, Apoštol Pavel

Zde je program volně k instalaci kde je novotného Biblický slovník a spousta dalších možností druhý odkaz popisuje jak nejlépe postupovat při instalaci programu:

http://www.davar3.net/ , http://www.slovobozi.cz/index.php/component/content/article/195

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Některé dobré myšlenky (zatím v angličtině, kdokoli by je chtěl přeložit pro druhé ať tak učiní). Na tyhle věci jsme už přišli sice sami, ale jsou zde dobře zformulované.

Důvod napsání listu:

This epistle was sent because of some difficulties which arose among the Colossians, probably from false teachers, in consequence of which they sent to the apostle. The scope of the epistle is to show, that all hope of man's redemption is founded on Christ, in whom alone are all complete fulness, perfections, and sufficiency. The Colossians are cautioned against the devices of Judaizing teachers, and also against the notions of carnal wisdom, and human inventions and traditions, as not consistent with full reliance on Christ. In the first two chapters the apostle tells them what they must believe, and in the two last what they must do; the doctrine of faith, and the precepts of life for salvation.

 Z Biblického slovníku A. Novotného:


Kolossenským.Epištola apoštola Pavla, napsaná v době jeho uvěznění [Ko 4,3.10.18] snad v Římě, ač někteří badatelé mají za to, že šlo o Cesareu [Sk 23,35; 24,27] nebo o Efez. Byla-li napsána v Římě, šlo by asi o rok 62 po Kr., ač přesné datum nelze určit. Podnětem k dopisu byly patrně zprávy Epafrovy [Ko 1,7n], který upozornil na nebezpečí, jež hro­zilo věřícím v K. Falešní učitelé pravděpo­dobně tvrdili, že prostá víra v Krista a jedno­duchá bohoslužba v jeho jménu je pouze pro začátečníky, ale ti, kteří chtějí proniknout hlou­běji, musí prý k plnému spasení uctívat an­děly, zachovávat zvláštní obřady, spojené s askesí [Ko 2,16.18.20n], a tak opustiti sprost­nost, kteráž jest v Kristu [2K 11,3], a svrcho­vanost a ústřední postavení Kristovo [Ko 1,18]. Tento blud měl některé židovské prvky [na př. zachovávání sobot 2,16 nebo důraz na obřízku 2,11], ale nebylo to čisté židovství, nýbrž spíše skreslení křesťanské víry vlivem pohanských theosofických kultů a gnostických spekulací.


Obsah epištoly. Pavel nejdříve hodnotí víru církve v K. a připojuje modlitbu za její pravý vzrůst [1,3-12]. Pak zdůrazňuje ústřední postavení Kristovo v celém universu [1,13-2, 3]. Na základě této christologie varuje před falešným učením [2,4—23] a ukazuje na nový život v Kristu [3,1—17; 4,2-6]. Připojuje pře­hledný výpočet povinností různých členů křesťanské domácnosti [t. zv. »domácí řád« 3,18-4,1] a končí osobními informacemi a vřelými pozdravy [4,7-18]. Základní myšlen­kou celého dopisu je jistota, že Kristus stačí na všecky lidské potřeby. Je dokonalým zjevi­telem Božím, protože je obrazem neviditel­ného Boha [1,15] a jsou v něm skryty všecky poklady moudrosti a známosti [2,3]. Je dosta­tečným vykupitelem [1,14.20], je dostačující hlavou církve [1,18]. Jemu je církev zavázána naprostou poslušností. Je dostačitelným Pá­nem pro všecky národy a skupiny lidské [3,11]. Musí být tedy centrem rozumového, etnického a sociálního života lidstva. Jen má-li on ve všem prvotnost [1,18], může být život člo­věka dokonalý [2,9n] a plný.

Doručitelem epištoly byl Tychikus [4,7n], který byl pověřen také odevzdáním jiného listu do Efezu [Ef 6,21], jenž snad byl napsán současně. S Tychikem šel také Onezimus [Ko 4,9], jenž nesl dopis Filemonovi.




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(DexonTot, 29. 3. 2022 6:37)

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Happiness of the old man

(JanetikHorce, 29. 3. 2022 0:06)

Each generation sees itself as completely different from the previous one, but in the end is about the same.
If I look at my own life, I believe that I have made mistakes many times.
The same will happen to you when you get older. Live and make mistakes. This is life.
Do not delude yourself that you are capable of being perfect - this is not real.
Strengthen your spirit, your will, so that when the test comes, you can accept it like a true man.
Do not let yourself be fooled by common facts and loud phrases.
Travel countries, get to know the world, get to know people, do something that interests you, fall in love, be bold, but do it with passion.
The most important thing is to live life with taste.
There is probably more than one life waiting for you. But in order to be rewarded with them, you need to spend this life to the fullest. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of a sad fate.

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(RachellLom, 28. 3. 2022 2:29)

The parting words of the old to the young are not only a waste of time, but also absurd https://skvoter.smartphon.design .
Each generation considers itself completely different from the previous one, but in the end is almost the same.
If I look at my life, I see that I made mistakes all the time.
The same will happen to you when you get older. Gain experience and make mistakes. That is the meaning of life.
Do not delude yourself that you are capable of being perfect - this is not real.
Strengthen your spirit, your qualities, so that when a test happens, you find the strength to accept it like a real man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and noisy phrases.
Travel countries, explore the world, meet people, do something that fascinates you, give a heart, be bold, but do it with enthusiasm.
The most important thing is to live life with taste.
Perhaps we all have more than one life ahead of us. But in order to deserve them, it is required to spend this life entirely. Take what you can from life.
Beware of sad fate.

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Deciding on the right diet for fast weight loss

(CarrenFrankGab, 27. 3. 2022 0:18)

The best way to lose fat safely is to stick to a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate diet. Ideally, you can lose between 50 % and two lbs . a week. A general concept is to aim to eliminate about one to two weight per day. This is the most usual amount that a person should expect to lose during a fast diet routine. While this is a good total, you should consult a physician before you begin your diet, because fast weight loss can result in dangerous side effects.

According to the type of diet you will be following, you may eliminate up to five kilos in the first week. You may lose more for anybody who is using a low-calorie diet regime. But remember that the initial pounds are water weight and that it is not sustainable long term. If you are trying to lose weight, it's important to stick with low-calorie diet plan and turn sure to have a lot of water throughout the day.

Crucial factor to consider think about a diet is whether is in fact right for you. A reduced calorie diet will not have you really feeling hungry or deficient. However , a low-fat diet may not be your best option for you if you're liable to bloating or digestive system problems. A high-fat diet, for instance, could potentially cause you to gain much more fat than needed.

A low-calorie diet plan will cause you to lose fat quickly, but you must know that it's not self-sufficient. A rapid loss is often a combination of muscle, drinking water, and fat, and you may quickly gain back which will lost weight. It can simple math: calories in minus calories out there. Supplements can't change this formula. Thus, you should follow a reduced calorie diet instead.

Any low-calorie diet is just not healthy for you. It will give you a sense of feeling tired and very poor, so you need to lower your calorie intake. A junk diet, on the other hand, might make you feel satisfied. You will need to make a few connaissance when choosing a lowered calorie diet. You should also consider the particular dietary plan's nutritionary content.

A low-calorie diet is a good choice for those who need to lose fat quickly. The main reason intended for doing so is that it is usually low-calorie and has calorie-loaded content. It has far more calories than low-carb diets, but it is definitely healthier. The main drawback of such a diet will it be tends to cause you to bring pounds. Consequently, a fast-calorie diet is a very poor choice for you.

Although many people respond properly to a low-calorie diet regime, others can benefit from much more freedom when it comes to organising their weight-loss program. While a reduced calorie diet may have amazing health benefits, it's important to consider the amount of calories you're not burning every day. The most effective diet will help you reduce a few pounds a week. It should easy to follow. Just make sure you stick to it.

A low calorie diet should be along with a healthy diet that advances overall health and well-being. It's important to be aware of your calorie intake and make the specified adjustments to your diet program. The right diet should be one that will help you lose weight along with sustain it. Moreover, it should be easy to follow. After you have decided on the right diet in your case, the next step is to select the right food for your needs.

You can get dating a diet based on your present calorie needs. Including a low-carb healthy eating plan will help you lose weight speedily by reducing your desire for food. It can also help you lose fatty acids if you're a calorie-loaded person. If you're typically the vegetarian, you'll want to keep to foods with a abnormal water content. When you are not a vegetarian, you must eat foods set with protein.

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(ShermanLiz, 21. 3. 2022 11:09)

Then everything went wrong from the very beginning. My workmate offered vouchers to his uncle's holiday home. He was not far from Gelendzhik. The vouchers were not expensive, because the rest house was being renovated. Only a couple of houses were ready, but vacationers were not impressed with living in the neighborhood with constant noise and clatter. But I decided to take these two tours. After all, in this way, I had money left for a winter trip to St. Petersburg. Vouchers were on hand, but there were problems with the flight. I had to buy train tickets. The road was long. Tanya handed over her shift on Monday, on Tuesday we had to take a train to Novorossiysk at 4 o'clock in the morning, almost at night on Wednesday we had to arrive in the city, where I booked a double room in a hotel, and at 12 o'clock in the morning we went to the village where and there was a recreation center. It's only an hour's drive from Novorossiysk. But in general, the journey took two and a half days. And the problem turned out, train tickets were only in different compartments. But I had to take it.
Before the arrival of my wife, I placed the guest once more crustaceans behind a currant bush. Slightly messed up. Not in the ass, traditionally. And it went with us. As soon as my wife is out of the gate, I go to bed with the guest. We will indulge, we will pile on, we will try everything and only then we go out into the street. And the wife? What about the wife? She is my shooter. Like historical musketeers. Shoot once and reload until tomorrow. All, hubby, good night. She gets hungry after her period. Here she can shoot a couple of times a day. And the guest is trouble-free, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Always ready to be your young pioneer. Just take the ass, she spreads her legs.
I did not count on anything, but in my thoughts, like any man, the thought crept in, it would be cool to travel the path together. So much more fun. She seemed to me an interesting interlocutor, and a very sexy person, you can’t hide it here.
Fucked up! I didn't finish that much. Fucked up for a week.
Over the years, from such stimulation, I learned to finish without any touching of the penis. I bought myself a few toys in a sex shop, for example, a penis on a suction cup, it didn’t look 1 in 1 like a real one, but due to a certain increase in the end (like the head of a penis), it simply amazingly stimulated the prostate.
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Having dressed and hastily painted her lips, she threw on her coat and flew out of the apartment like a bullet, leaving me with a condom on my penis and in complete disarray of feelings. As soon as I came to my senses, I threw the rubber product into the trash and, while my impressions were fresh, masturbated to porn with actress Little Dolly (her type is almost exactly the same as Olka), relieving tension. Then I washed yesterday's dishes, tidied up the apartment a little and went to fill up.
Sasha again raised his painfully questioning look at me.
I lay down next to her and turned her on her side, I wanted to see what was under her. Anya really finished under herself, she still sometimes had a shiver, from which she tucked her knees and clung to me. I lightly ran it over my belly, wet with sperm, all her liquid reached for my hand, moving my hand further, I barely touched the penis, stroked her testicles. And it's all mine, damn.
After that she climbed on top of me. Before my eyes immediately appeared her large breasts, so appetizing looking. I was even more aroused, but at the base of the penis, the ring tightly squeezed my desire to finish.
Take off those damn panties. Who sees you here?

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Более подробная информация размещена https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-qsrosEBvPPvIxO1GO9qvs5WH9WS7kV/view?usp=sharing
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию изделия из стекла для дома и офиса.Наша организация ООО «СТЕКЛОЭЛИТ» работает 10 лет на рынке этой продукции в Беларуси.Офис сегодня – это не пыльная комната в панельном здании, а лицо компании, его визитная карточка. Во многом это определяет интерьер, но также огромное значение имеют дверные конструкции и стеклянные перегородки в офисе. Появившись в качестве перегородок достаточно давно, стеклянные стены использовались чаще всего просто в качестве разделителя помещения, и только недавно они вошли в список интерьерных изюминок. В своих конструкциях мы используем стекло от лучшего мирового производителя листового стекла AGC GLASS EUROPE.

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(Andreasapm, 15. 3. 2022 8:02)

Приветствую Вас господа!
Есть такой интересный сайт для заказа бурения скважин на воду. Бурение скважин в Минске – полный комплекс качественных и разумных по цене услуг. Мы бурим любые виды скважин.У нас доступная ценовая политика, рассрочка на услуги и оборудование.Заказывайте скважину для воды – получите доступ к экологически чистой природной воде по самым выгодным в Минске ценам! Почему роторное бурение — более результативное? Роторное бурение в МинскеКогда бурится менее глубокая, фильтровая скважина, то используется обычное долото-резец и шнеки (стержень со сплошной винтовой поверхностью вдоль продольной оси), которые «ввинчиваются» в породу. При роторном бурении применяются шарошечные долота из высокопрочных сплавов с центральной или боковой промывкой, которые пробивают любую породу. При этом промывочная жидкость осуществляет выброс грунта из скважины и препятствует обрушению стенок пробуренного ствола. Поэтому роторным способом достигается глубина более 200м. Почему бурение называется роторным? Долото проходит твердую породу не только потому, что прилагает усилие и «пробивает» ее, но и потому что вращается и подает промывочную жидкость под давлением. А вращается долото при помощи ротора — крутящейся части двигателя. Ротор применяется в ряде технических областей, и бурильное оборудование — не исключение.

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